Friday, May 8, 2009

Comparative &non comparative studies

Comparative Study:

A comparative study to evaluate the effectiveness of computer assisted instruction (CAI) versus classroom lecture (CRL) for computer science at ICS level.

Tayyaba KAUSAR, Bushra Naoreen CHOUDHRY and Aijaz Ahmed GUJJAR.

This study categorize as Learners’ perception and performance study because it aims to investigate the effectiveness of technology in students’ perception and learning outcomes, in comparison with traditional method.

The purpose of the study was:

to evaluate the effectiveness of CAI vs. classroom lecture for computer science at ICS level. The objectives were to compare the learning effects of two groups of learners studying the same curriculum. One group used traditional CRL; the other used CAI format instruction.

The question of the study was:
How able to determine the relative feasibility of the two methods by comparing:
· To compare the effects of CAI and CRL in terms of cognitive development.
· To illustrate the results of learner knowledge gained through CAI and CRL.
· To measure the development of comprehension skill by CAI and CRL.

The problem:
determining the most effective learning method to achieve a cognitive development in student learning.

The research design followed by researcher is the Pre-test - Post test Equivalent groups Deign. The test was a multiple choice question test containing 45 items that constructed and pilot tested.


All students of computer science from all colleges of Faisalabad in Turkey are the participants of this study. In order to get wide random samples, 20 students from each of the following neighbour colleges were selected for this study:
· College for Boys, Samanabad, Faisalabad
· College of Science, Samanabad, Faisalabad

1. It provided a detailed description on the statistical results.
2. State a clear list of the objectives of the study.

1. It is not provided a clear statement for the problem of the study.
2. It is not provided a clear statement for the question of the study.


1. Total gain in cognitive domain by CAI was significantly superior to the total gain in cognitive domain by CRL teaching method.

2. The application of CAI teaching method to experimental group led to a highly significant increase in knowledge skill of students then students having CRL treatment.

3. Inter teaching method variations were non significant with respect to comprehension. Students significantly gained comprehension skill as observed in post- test compared to pre-test with the two methods respectively.


Non comparative study:

The name of study:
Measuring Learning Effectiveness

Ernest H. Joy II, Ph.D & Federico E. Garcia, Ph.D.

Question & purpose:

"What combination of instructional strategies and delivery media will best produce the desired learning outcome for the intended audience?"

1- The researcher analyze 12 studies to get more information about computer-aided instruction and take more opinion in this issues.


— 1- It toke a long period of time (four semesters) to complete the treatment, so this effect in negative way in study.

The researcher used a pre-test to control for prior knowledge and attitudes .To measure attitudinal changes, he compared test scores using the same assessment test both before and after treatment .The number of students are 40.

1- ALN practitioners should not assume that students would learn better from technology delivery systems
2- ALN practitioners should adhere to their time-tested instructional design strategies, regardless of the medium they choose.
3- It is widely accepted that learning effectiveness is a function of effective pedagogical practices.


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